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Pick of the posters: AACR 2024

biotechniques | 25 APR, 2024

At AACR 2024, we explored the poster hall to pick out the posters that would interest the BioTechniques reader and those we found delivered the most interesting or surprising findings. Get our selections below and let us know your thoughts on our Pick of the posters.

South Korean Biotech Company Portrai Inc. Adopts Infortrend Storage to Enable AI Dat..

prnewswire | Sep 12, 2023

Infortrend® Technology, Inc. (TWSE: 2495), the industry-leading enterprise storage manufacturer, provided South Korean biotech company Portrai Inc. with EonStor GS enterprise unified storage solution to enable their...

AI based medical device web service

IF Design | 2023

PortraiTME epitomizes the fusion of AI and medical research in a package designed for ultimate user engagement. The interface elegantly simplifies complex tumor micro-environment analysis, demystifying science without diluting it. The user experience is like a scalpel—precise, effective...

Johnson & Johnson Innovation LLC and Janssen Korea Ltd. Announce Awardees of the Seoul...

ithome | Sep 29, 2022

SEOUL, KOREA, 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 — Johnson & Johnson Innovation LLC and Janssen Korea Ltd. (Janssen) today named Portrai and siRNAgen Therapeutics as awardees of the Seoul Innovation QuickFire Challenge: Scientific  Advancements of Tomorrow, in collaboration with the...

南韓生技公司 Portrai 選用 Infortrend 儲存系統,強化 AI 資料分析,推動藥物研發

ithome | Sep 13, 2023

普安科技®(股票代碼:2495)為企業級資料儲存專家,提供 EonStor GS 企業級整合儲存系統解決方案,協助南韓生技公司 Portrai 發展其技術,將 AI 及 RNA(核糖核酸)分析結合,推動藥物研發。Portrai 致力於發展先進的 RNA 分析技術──「空間轉錄組」(Spatial Transcriptomics),以研究新靶標和疾病相關的生物標誌...

[메디컬 인사이드] 암 찾아 치료하는 ‘방사선 미사일’ 등 핵의학 발전…"AI 접목 신약 개발 도전"

서울경제 | Aug 04, 2022

"핵의학은 의학계 어떤 학문보다도 진화하는 속도가 빠릅니다. 진단·치료를 막론하고 새로운 기술을 받아들이는 데 전혀 거부감이 없죠. 다른 진료과들과 협업을 통해 최적의 해결책을 모색한다는 것도 강점입니다." 최홍윤 서울대병원 핵의학과 교수는 4일 서울경제와 만나 "핵의학 분야 연구를 통해 이전에 없던 혁신 기술을 개발하고 싶다"며...

Why I chose spatial: New pathways into clinical translational research

Liz Lucero(10xgenomics) | Aug 17, 2022

In Part 1 of the “Why choose spatial” series, we shared insights from our tissue and spatial biology experts regarding key considerations before choosing a solution. In Part 2, researchers share their stories of why they adopted spatial tools into their workflows and what spatial analysis has ...

【전략적 업무 제휴】공간 트랜스크립트 매닉스·AI 기반 신약 분석 기업 Portrai사와 일본의 신약 개발 서포트 시장 진출을 위한 전략적 업무 제휴에

PR TImes | Nov 11, 2021

빅데이터 기반 마케팅 솔루션 개발·서비스를 제공하고 있는 주식회사 aix(이하 aix로 한다, 에이아이엑스)와 공간 트랜스크립트 매닉스·AI 기반 신약 분석 기업 Portrai사(이하 Portrai라고 하는, 포틀레이)는 일본 시장 진출을 내다보고 파트너십을 제휴했습니다.

Portrai to revolutionize biopsy quality through AI technology

The Korea economic daily | Oct 06, 2021

Biopsy is one of the most used methods to examine a person’s illness, taking a tissue sample of a patient for analysis. Usually, the samples are thinly sliced and dipped into stains or dyes, but several parts of the tissue may get mixed during the process, which could reduce the accuracy of...

Hongyoon Choi, Innovators Under 35

MIT Technology Review | 2021

One of the biggest hurdles encountered in the medical and new drug development fields is uncertainty. Because of the biological and disease complexity, it is difficult to predict the cure at the individual patient level. In addition, it's also difficult to predict biological changes, so it is often ineffective for patients in the laboratory during the development of new...


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